Friday, 26 August 2011

The top of Mont Blanc

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  1. Hi Folks, Have found your blog and the one for the kids at school. Keeping the map up to date and improving my geography at the same time. Lovely to chat last night and still can't get my head round talking to you on my iphone!! Enjoy your trek and can't wait to see the photos... hope you take some of the donkeys! Will think of you as we set off for the Welsh coast tomorrow after school. xx

  2. Hurray have cracked problem - no idea how!! Hope your trek went well - can't wait to see pics and hear all about it. You will be on your way to Quito now- speak soon hopefully. Love from Mum and Dad x

  3. Hi Paul and Kirsty
    Tracked you down, looks like you're having a fantastic time, enjoyed reading the blogs (both of them), have our own mini adventure next week, Louise and I are heading up to the Black Sail YH in the Lakes.
    all the best
